Searching Files

Files include all files on your computer that can be read by Spirion.  Spirion can search more than 200 of the most common file types using its built-in filters and a built-in feature of Microsoft Windows available since Windows 2000 called IFilters.  For these filterable file types, Spirion can search the file while preserving the format and structure of the file.  Additionally, Spirion can attempt to extract text from any file.  As new, proprietary file types are created that Spirion cannot search while preserving format and structure, additional IFilters may be created to search them.  If you install any of these additional IFilters, Spirion automatically detects and utilize them for all of your future searches.  See Installing Additional Filters for more information.  To speed your searching, you can enable searching only common file types or searching all filterable file types.

You can enable searching of Files by clicking the Files button on the Locations ribbon.  When enabled, the button is highlighted.  Spirion searches for files (and optionally Compressed Files) in the File Location you specify.

File types searchable by Spirion:

Additional Information

To view or modify File Types settings, click the Configuration ribbon, then the Settings button, then the File Types page.  Alternatively you may click the Locations ribbon, then click the dropdown menu of the Files button and select Customize File Settings.  For additional information on Files settings please refer to View and Manage File Types and Options.