Shredding Personal Information

When a location has sensitive data match information in it and you wish to remove it from your computer, you should utilize the Shred feature. Shred is great when you no longer need the personal information or any other data in the item.

The Shred button is located on the Main ribbon and is enabled for all types of results; however, depending on the location of the result, Shred behaves differently.  For files, Shred utilizes a secure United States Department of Defense wiping standard known as DOD 5220.22-M.  For other locations, Shred removes the information from your computer using other appropriate methods.

Note:  It is not possible to "undo" a Shred.  Shredded results cannot be recovered.  Once you shred something, it is gone.

There are three ways to Shred a location:

  1. Single click the result with the left mouse button to highlight it and click the Shred button on the Main ribbon.
  2. Single click the result with the right mouse button to highlight it and bring up a context menu, then highlight and left-click on Shred.
  3. Highlight the result by single clicking with the left mouse button or by using the arrow keys and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.

If you are shredding a Web Browser item, you will be given the option to also add the password to your Password Vault.

If you choose Shred and Securely Add to Password Vault, the location and password will be saved securely within the Password Vault for you to reference later.  Only you have access to your Password Vault because it is only accessible if you authenticate to Spirion and load your Profile.  If you choose Shred but Do Not Add to Password Vault, the password will be shredded and not added to your vault.

Shred is effective at protecting your identity because it is permanent.  While this means you can never get your data back, it also means a hacker or malicious intruder also cannot get your data back.  For files, Shred utilizes a very secure United States Department of Defense wiping standard known as DOD 5220.22-M.  For other locations, Shred removes the information from your computer's hard drive or memory using other, appropriate methods.

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