Saving Results

Spirion allows you to save the results of your searches in three ways:  Spirion File (*.idf file), Web Page Report (*HTML file), and Comma Separated Values (*.csv file).

To Save Results:

  1. Click Save in the File menu. The default save type is Spirion File format, a more secure format that you can use to work with your results at any point in the future.
  2. Enter and confirm a password of your choice, if you choose to save the results as an Spirion File. If you are logged in with a Spirion profile you can use your profile password by placing a checkmark in the Use Spirion Profile option.
  3. Save your results as the filename and the folder location, then click Save.  

  1. Click the Options button to open the Encrypted Results File Save Options dialog box that allows you to choose what to include in your saved file, and allows you to omit information depending on what type of file you are saving.

When you are ready to work with your saved results, you need to load your file back into Spirion.

  1. Once you choose Save As..., the Save As dialog box opens.  You may select the folder location, and filename for your results.

Note: Choose a strong password to be sure your document is safe.

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