Workflow Rules List

The Workflow Rules List displays the list of classifications and each rule assigned to that classification. Classifications are sorted by precedence with the top-most rule (other than None) having the highest precedence. When a result matches multiple workflow rules, it is set to the classification of the highest matching rule. The order or precedence can be changed via drag and drop. Within each classification, the Workflow rules are listed alphabetically. The classification of a Workflow rule can be changed by dragging and dropping the rule into a different Classification.

Left clicking on a classification enables the Edit, Remove and Clone options in the Classification button drop-down in the Workflow Rules ribbon group,allowing you to edit, remove or clone that classification, respectively. Click on the arrow to the left of a classification to view all of the workflow rules within that classification.

Click on a workflow rule displays that rule in the Workflow Wizard set by default to the Workflow Rule tab, and allows you to edit that rule.

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