Service Tasks Overview

The service tasks view displays each of the service tasks, their schedule, status, most recent run date, the user who created it and additional information.

The service tasks can be sorted by clicking on specific column headers to toggle between ascending, descending and no sort. Any column which has sorting on it displays an up arrow or a down arrow in the center of the column header indicating ascending or descending, respectively. No arrow indicates that column is not sorted. When you click on a column header to set a sort it removes any previous sorting from all other columns. You can reorder the columns by clicking on the column header and dragging and dropping them to the left or right.

The available columns are noted below.

Field Description
Start Date/Time The first time that the service task was run or, if it has not yet run, this is the first time it is scheduled to run.
Task Type The type of service task. For a detailed description of each service task see the Service Tasks Content article.
Information A description of the purpose of the service task. This field is user entered and optional and is only present to help users manage their tasks.
Schedule This specifies how often, and when specifically, the Service Task should recur.

The current status of the service task. The possible values are:

  • None: Indicates that the service task has not yet run for the first time.
  • Execute Now: Indicates that the user has selected to start the service task now via the Execute Now option.
  • In Progress: Indicates that the service task is currently running.
  • Completed Successfully: Indicated that the service task has successfully run. This is one of two possible last run states of the service task and may be combined with Execute Now, In Progress or Remove When Done.
  • Remove When Done: This status is assigned automatically by the Console when manually removing or merging and endpoint. Manually Removing or Merging endpoints creates the Remove Endpoints service task, which is removed once it has completed running.
  • Failed: Indicates that the service tasks failed to run properly. Details of why it failed can be reviewed in the Show Logs section of the Console Administrator Tool. This is one of two possible last run states of the service task and may be combined with Execute Now, In Progress or Remove When Done.
  • Aborted: Indicates that the service task failed to complete within the allotted amount of time or due to the server service being stopped. For more detailed information refer to Maximum Task Run time in the Scheduling Service Tasks article.
Most Recent Completion The date and time that the service task has most recently completed running. The value is blank if the service task has not yet run for the first time.
Most Recent Duration The duration of the most recent service task completion. The value is blank if the service task has not yet run for the first time.
Creator This is the user that created the service task, even if another user edited it later. This value is automatic at the time the service task is created and cannot be changed by the user.

Double clicking on a row displays the Edit Schedule dialog allowing you to make changes to that service task.