Adding Oracle Databases to Include When Searching for Personally Identifiable Information

To add an Oracle Database Connection String first select Oracle from the Database Type dropdown by clicking on the down arrow next to the Database Type field, then click the Configure button and enter your database connection information.  

Establish the fields below to configure a connection with an Oracle database:

Name Description

Host Name

The setting for Host Name is the hostname.

Syntax – port and service name are optional


Example: Dbname1:1521/testservice or

Service Name  

User Name





Instance Name  

Allow a maximum of this many rows per data retrieval call

Enabling this option allows you to specify the maximum number of rows to return from a single data retrieval call to the server. The agent will store these rows and use them for subsequent calls. Increasing this value can reduce the number of round trip network calls to the server needed to return result sets at the expense of greater memory use. If this option is not enabled the default number of rows retrieved per call will be 10 and the setting below it will not have any effect.

Allow a maximum of this much memory per data retrieval call Enabling this option allows you to specify the maximum amount of memory to use per data retrieval call to the server. The number of rows returned in each round trip call to the server will be the amount of memory allocated divided by the size of the row.

Additional Options: When entering multiple entries, use a semicolon as the delimiter between entries.

Name Description


Specify the agent application name to use when connecting to the database. The default value is: APPNAME=Sensitive Data Manager;

ConnectAs Forces the application to connect with SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges. Valid values are "SYSDBA" or "SYSOPER". e.g. ConnectAs=SYSDBA;


This option allows you to disable the using of the OCIDateTime. This is useful when OCI version 8 and higher is used with old Oracle server versions that don't support TimeStamp data type. Valid values are "No", "False" or "0". e.g. UseTimeStamp=0;

TimeoutMillisec Undocumented OCI attributes allow you to specify connection socket timeouts. Valid values are the timeout value in milliseconds. e.g. TimeoutMillisec=2000;


Forces the application to fetch rows in bulk rather than retrieving records one by one (which is the default). The syntax is: PreFetchRows=n (where n is the number of rows). e.g. to fetch 5 rows at a time you would enter: PreFetchRows=5;

Press Test Connection. If successful, press OK and you will be taken back to the View and Manage Databases to search screen. Press Add to add the database connection string.

Note: It is necessary to have the Oracle agent installed on the Endpoint that will be performing the database search.

Additional Information

To view or modify this setting, click the Configuration ribbon, then the Settings button then the Databases page.  For additional settings please refer to View and Manage Databases to Search or Settings to Customize Your Experience.