Right Click Operations

Right-clicking on an entry in the Sensitive Data Types List displays a menu providing the same functions that are available in the Sensitive Data Types ribbon group. These functions include the ability to create, edit, remove, import and export sensitive data types.

In this article


To create a new Sensitive Data Type entry, select the Add menu item.

The Add Sensitive Data Type dialog will display.

The available Sensitive Data Types are:


Spirion looks for any exact matches to your keywords without regard to context. For example, if you added the keyword "to" (without the quotes), you would receive results matching the "to" in; for example, to, town, into, and altogether. If you want to ensure that there are, for example, spaces before and after the keyword, you can include those spaces by typing " to " (without the quotes) but you will have much greater control by using Regular Expressions.

Note: Keywords are case sensitive. If you would like to search for a case insensitive keyword (for example to match "to", "To", "TO", and "tO" in the example above), you can add "to" (without the quotes) as a Regular Expression.

Regular Expression

Regular Expressions allows you to specify any regular expressions (RegEx) to include in the search. Regular expressions allow you to search for patterns such as a sequence of digits, a word surrounded by white space, and even complex formatted strings. Spirion uses the Perl regular expression syntax from the boost Libraries. Regular expressions are case insensitive. If you would like to search for a case sensitive keyword (for example to match "to" but not "To", "TO", or "tO"), you can add "to" (without the quotes) as a Keyword.

For example, to search for 2 digits followed by a dash followed by 4 digits, you could add the RegEx: \d{2}-\d{4} (note, this is just an example and may not meet your specific needs).

This would match 43-5343 and 56-2313 but would also match within 35435-324322 and return the result 35-3243. To not match the latter case, you could enhance the expression to require leading and trailing white space: \s\d{2}-\d{4}\s


Using a dictionary allows Spirion to search for words that are present within the dictionary that you specify. Detailed information on the structure of a dictionary is available in the client User Guide.

A Dictionary can also include phrases and can be configured using the following policy settings in a policy applied to the endpoint:

Sensitive Data Definition

A Sensitive Data Definition allows Spirion to search for data types using criteria that you specify with a declarative Sensitive Data Definition.

Search API

Search API is used to select the Sensitive Data types that allow a client to search for data unique to your environment. The Sensitive Data Type is in the form of a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) that you provide. For results of this type to appear in the Console, the Sensitive Data Type DLL must also exist on every Windows endpoint performing a search for results of this type. The following settings in a policy applied to an endpoint must be configured.

Spirion has an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows developers to create their own rules and definitions for finding personal information and sensitive data. For example, you can easily create logic to find a pattern of numbers or characters to hone in on the particular sensitive information you want to discover and clean. If you are an enterprise customer, please contact the Spirion Team to obtain access to our API.

Exact Match

Exact Match allows you to search for specific information on the endpoint. This is most useful to find data unique to your environment such as a specific Social Security Number or Date of Birth. The Console does not provide any validation that the Personal Information you have entered is valid for the specified Identity Type.

Note: See the Exact Match Validation section of the Sensitive Data Types Content.

Note: Search API DLLs must be built with Visual Studio 2015.

Note: Any of the Sensitive Data Types data that you enter here will not be displayed on the Custom Types page in the client UI.

Note: A Sensitive Data Type will not have any effect on searches unless it is assigned to a policy. For detailed information, please refer to the Sensitive Data Types section of the Policies.




To modify an existing Sensitive Data Type entry, click the entry you wish to modify and select the Edit menu item.

Make any desired changes and click OK.


To permanently delete a Sensitive Data Type, click the row you wish to delete and select the Remove menu item.

The Remove menu item permanently deletes the selected entry and cannot be reversed. A prompt displays to confirm deletion of the selected entry.


Import a properly formatted XML Sensitive Data Type from a file. The Import button allows you to add the specified file to the Sensitive Data Types content. Select Import then use the file selection dialog to locate the sensitive data types XML file on disk.


Export the selected Sensitive Data Types in an XML format. The Export button allows you to save a sensitive data type to a file for offline viewing, distribution, or for importing and processing by another application. When saved in XML format, any sensitive information in the file is stored as clear text and the file itself should be treated as sensitive information.

Dictionaries export as txt files.