Using Search History

The Use Search History for Files and emails setting enables you to increase the speed and performance of Spirion's search by skipping any files and emails already searched by Spirion that have not been modified since your previous search and for which no match was found in the location on the previous search and no new AnyFind Data Types have been enabled.  The first time you run a search after you enable this checkbox (it is on by default), a search history database will be created with information about all of the files that Spirion searches and the AnyFind Data Types used to search those files.  Each additional time you run a search with this checkbox enabled, Spirion will skip all files and emails that have not changed since the previous search as long as they did not contain any Data Matches and new AnyFind Data Types were not enabled.  Files and emails found to contain Data Matches during a search will be searched again during subsequent searches unless you specifically add those files or emails to the Ignore List.

If you use the Searching All Locations for Passwords Found in Browsers setting and new items are added to your web browsers, your unchanged files and emails will not be searched for this new information unless you delete your databases.

If enabled, the Searching Only Files and emails Created or Modified Since a User Specified Date setting prevents Spirion from searching any files and emails that have not changed since the date specified.  This feature enables you to increase the speed and performance of Spirion's search and is especially useful if you recently ran Spirion but did not have the Use Search History for Files and emails setting enabled and only wish to search files and emails modified since that previous search.

Additional Information

To view or modify this setting, click the Configuration ribbon, then the Settings button and then select the Performance page.  For additional settings please refer to Change Performance Options for Searches or Settings to Customize Your Experience.