Searching Websites and Web Servers

Websites are URL web addresses you would normally access via a web browser that you believe might contain personal information.  Spirion can read the website pages and website files and search through them for any personal information.  You arenot be able to perform any security actions on Websites, but you can determine if the risk of personal information exposure exists.  You can enable searching of Websites by clicking the Websites button on the Locations ribbon.  When enabled, the button is highlighted.  Spirion searches the website addresses that you specify.  To specify website addresses, click the Websites button dropdown menu, then select Customize Website Settings.  The View and Manage Websites to Search dialog will appear:

To enter website addresses, simply type the location in the Website Address field.  If you type a single word such as spirion, then "http://www." is prepended and ".com" is appended for your convenience.  If the website requires authentication you can supply a username and password.  To do so, click the Supply Credentials checkbox and enter a Username and Password.  Then press the Add button.  There is no limit to how many websites you can search.

Additional Information

To view or modify Websites settings, click the Configuration ribbon, then the Settings button, then the Websites page.  Alternatively you may click the Locations ribbon, then click the dropdown menu of the Websites button and select Customize Websites Settings.  For additional information on Websites settings please refer to View and Manage Websites to Search.