Requiring a Minimum Number of Unformatted SSNs

The Location Must Contain at least this Many Unformatted SSNs setting will require Spirion to locate the specified minimum number of unformatted SSNs.  Often times, locations will contain unformatted SSNs in the form of a list.  This setting is valuable for eliminating locations that contain only a single (or other specified number of) unformatted nine-digit number(s) that might not represent a list of SSNs.  This setting is set to 3 by default for all location types other than PDF files. For PDF files, the default is 1 as PDF forms containing a nine-digit number and a keyword are often true positives.

Additional Information

To view or modify this setting, click the Configuration ribbon, then the Settings button and then select the AnyFind page.  For additional settings please refer to Customize AnyFind Search Behavior or Settings to Customize Your Experience.