Enabling Logging When Searching for Personal Data

Name Description
Enable Logging

Allows Spirion to record detailed information about its search in a log file.  By default, the log file is created in the Logs subfolder of your user's Spirion local application data folder:

(i.e., C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Identity Finder\Identity Finder Edition\logs)

with the name: IDF_DATE_TIME.log

The logs provide you with information for the specific categories that you specify.  You can choose to enable or disable logging and the folder where the log will be stored

Use Default Resets the log file location to the default
Clear Logs

Deletes all contents of the log folder you have specified

By default, all logs are kept until they are manually deleted or the Clear Logs button is used

Keep a Maximum of this Many Logs

Specifies a maximum number of logs to keep

Set the counter to the desired number of logs

On Exit, Automatically Delete Logs Older than this Many Days

Automatically deletes old logs

Set the counter to the desired number of days


Additional Information

To view or modify this setting, click the Configuration ribbon, then the Settings button and then select the Logging page.  For additional settings please refer to Change the Options for Logging Application Activity or Settings to Customize Your Experience.