View Mode

In View mode, the members of the team and the overall status for Discovery Team searches are displayed in the Discovery Teams view. The View consists of two tabs: Members and Tasks

In this article:


In the Members tab each team member is displayed in alphabetical order from top to bottom. You may sort the team members by clicking on specific column headers to toggle between ascending, descending and no sort. Any column which has sorting on it displays an up arrow or a down arrow in the center of the column header indicating ascending or descending, respectively. No arrow indicates that column is not sorted. When you click on a column header to set a sort it removes any previous sorting from all other columns. You can reorder the columns by clicking on the column header and dragging and dropping them to the left or right.

The Members tab consists of the following columns, which contains data only when a search is in progress:

Field Description
Name The display name of the team member.

When the Perform distributed searching using all available team members option is enabled, as many available team members as possible are assigned to search targets concurrently. However, before assigning team members, a single team member is assigned to perform an analysis search where it gathers information about folders to search and the sizes of those folders. The valid values are:

  • Yes: An analysis search is currently being performed by this endpoint.
  • No: An analysis search is not being performed by this endpoint.
  • Blank: No analysis search was performed.

The state of the scheduled search.

  • In Progress: Indicates that the search is currently running.
  • Blank: The search is not currently in progress.
  • Error: Indicates that no update has been sent from the endpoint after 5x the value in the Endpoints search progress update interval setting.
  • Warning: Indicates that no update has been sent from the endpoint after 1x the value in the Endpoints search progress update interval setting.
Current Progress The percentage complete for the current location type.
Overall Progress How far into the total number of location types of your computer you search. For example, Browsers are multiple location types because searching Internet Explorer Passwords is one type and Firefox Passwords is another.
Locations The first number is the total number of the items searched so far that contain at least one Identity Match. The second number is the total number of items of all types searched on your computer so far.
Matches This is the total number of Identity Matches found so far across all locations.
Last Update (GMT) The time stamp of the most recent status update from the Agent related to this search. If the Agent sends the same state as previously sent it is considered to be an update. The value in parentheses indicates how much time has elapsed since the last update was received from the endpoint. The color changes to red when no update is sent after 5x the value in the Endpoints search progress update interval setting.
Last Status Change (GMT) The time stamp of the most recent status change from the Agent related to this search. If the Agent sends a different progress state from previously it is considered to be a change. The value in parentheses indicates how much time has elapsed since the last status change was received from the endpoint. The color changes to yellow when no update is sent after 1x the value in the Endpoints search progress update interval setting and it changes to red after 6x the interval.
Task Name The name as entered in the Add New Task dialog in the Scheduled Tasks section of a Scheduled Task policy.
Agent State

Provides information about the interactive state of the Agent. The valid values are:

  • Search Started: A search has been initiated on the endpoint.
  • Search Completed: The search has been successfully completed.
  • Search Canceled: The search was canceled.

Note: Beginning with version 10.5 of the Console:


The Tasks tab allows you to monitor the overall progress of Discovery Team searches. The Tasks tab displays all search tasks that are in progress or that have been performed by the selected Discovery Team. To remove the task from view you need to delete the task from the policy.

The Tasks tab consists of the following columns, which contains data only when a search is in progress:

Field Description
Task Name The name as entered in the Add New Task dialog in the Scheduled Tasks section of a Scheduled Task policy.

When the Perform distributed searching using all available team members option is enabled, as many available team members as possible are assigned to search targets concurrently. However, before assigning team members, a single team member is assigned to perform an analysis search where it gathers information about folders to search and the sizes of those folders. The valid values are:

  • Yes: An analysis search has been performed by this endpoint.
  • No: An analysis search has not been performed by this endpoint.
Completed The number of data sets that have been searched for the selected Discovery Team.
In Progress The number of data sets that are currently being searched by the selected Discovery Team.
Failed The number of data sets for the selected Discovery Team that have failed to be searched.