Synchronize Classifications

The Synchronize Classifications Service Task applies manual classifications to the files found in the matches on the Results page of Console. This service task synchronizes the classifications between the database and agent. For example, a "Public Classification" applied to a SSN number match in the Results page of the Console displays on the file in the agent using the Synchronize Classifications service task.

To use the Synchronize Classifications feature:

  1. From the Admin tab go to the Application Settings page.

  1. Select the Synchronize classification changes with endpoints option.

  2. Click Yes on the pop-up window that displays to perform the Full Synchronization when you the Synchronize classification task for the first time.

  3. Again from the Admin tab go to the Service Tasks page and click on the Add icon.

  4. On the Add Service Task pop-up window, establish the following:

Field Description
Task Type

Select the Synchronize Classifications service task.

Note: The option only displays here when you select the Synchronize classification changes with endpoints option on the Application Settings page of the Admin tab.

Information Provide a description of the purpose of this service task.
Batch Size Specify the batch size to synchronize classifications
Full Synchronization Select to synchronize all manual classifications on database and agent. However, batch size is recommended to perform the synchronization to avoid any performance issue.

Schedule the time duration for the service task. The options available are :

  • One Time

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

Repetition Specify the frequency and max duration of the repetition of task.
Resume when no other tasks are pending When selected, the "Repeat task every:" is ignored and the task starts immediately.
Maximum task run time

Specify the amount of time that the service task has to complete. The default setting is indefinitely. The following options are available:

  • Indefinitely - The task runs until completion.
  • Minutes - Set the number of minutes the service task has to complete.
  • Hours - Set the number of hours the service task has to complete.
  • Days - Select the number of days the service task has to complete.
  1. Click OK

  2. Right-click and select Execute Now on the newly added service task to immediately synchronize the classifications between the database and the agent.